Wednesday, February 18, 2009


We had a super fun time! Thx for organising it Sticky!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sold out!

I went to my first ever zine fair on Saturday with my pal Raji, in the degraves street underpass in Melbourne... and I sold out! I couldn't believe it, I thought we'd sell absolutely nothing, but apparently the financial crisis has not effected the market for photocopied whimsy one iota. I was also sold out of my custom made 'prickle bush' and 'something fishy' valentines day underpants... geez... didn't get any close ups of them either!!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

i wear my heart on my t-shirt

"I wear my heart on my t-shirt 2" is mark II of this awesome exhibition at the Booroondara Town Hall Gallery... I made tees for the last one, and have collated some old designs to bring to the second one (including "bling", "prickly heart" and "cactus sound" as seen above)... which I'll be dropping off right on the deadline, tomorrow morning before work! The exhibition runs 11 Feb- 7 Mar. Read more at:

I made a comic to sell at international literature conspiracy week! Its exciting! And starts on Monday! I scanned this while we were staying at Uncle Ernesto's place in the barrio of San Felipe (which is in Lima, Peru)... it came out kind of funny cause the scanner at the only locutorio within 5 kms was like made in 1983 or something, out of straw... It was a really cool locutorio though, and the counter-girl was laughing so much while she scanned this and showing it to all the other customers... she thought I was crazy, but it just goes to show that comics are the international language of talking!